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family law

“I used to hope I was a great feminist role model because I work full-time often away from home.  I was the breadwinner, the high earner, the successful one………my husband’s work was no less important or interesting, but as a university lecturer, his was far less frenetic.  He was at home more and usually did all the cooking for the children.  He insisted on doing it anyway, at all times. 

There are over 3 million couples cohabiting in the UK - many have no formal cohabitation agreement in place. This week Resolution, have launched Cohabitation Awareness week, running from 25th to 29th November providing, information to couples who are not married and living together. 

You may have already started your preparations for Christmas with Christmas shopping and festivity preparation. In the midst of the festivities have you communicated to your children what is happening over Christmas? 

As a senior family solicitor, I’m very familiar with the last minute calls from my clients to resolve the Christmas contact arrangements.

Neves Solicitors are strengthening their expert Family Law Team with the appointment of Senior Associate, Heidi Fleming, who will be based at their Harpenden office.

For many years, lawyers have advised their clients that there was no point in drawing up prenuptial agreements before the couple married or agreements to regulate their finances after they married.  This was because divorce courts would not be bound by them. 

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