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family law

When parties divorce and the Courts become involved in resolving financial disputes, they can order that one party to the marriage pays the other spousal maintenance for a period of time, via a Periodical Payments Order (PPO). 

Prenuptial agreements may have been tarnished by association with lurid cases involving the rich, glamorous and non-too-admirable but the UK divorce rate, the increasingly complex families created by second or subsequent marriages and the rising asset base of UK home owners means they are becoming more and more sought after.

Joint TenanciesEarlier this month, the Ministry of Justice launched the new Online Divorce Service as part of its £1bn initiative to reform the justice system. This new service allows couples to apply for an uncontested divorce digitally, upload evidence and make payments from their homes. By allowing divorces to be completed at the click of a mouse removes the need to fill in paper forms and send them to the court manually.

Like many, I sat down last Tuesday evening to watch the BBC’s new drama The Split. As a family lawyer you might expect that I would avoid an hour long programme about divorce and separation after a full day in the office dealing with the same; however I was intrigued to see how my profession would be portrayed on television. 

Spousal maintenance is one of the orders that a court can make upon divorce. The amount of the maintenance is agreed at the time of the order; however, as a result of inflation, as time goes by the value of the maintenance awarded will decrease if it is not reviewed. 

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