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Legal Resources and News

Read jargon-free articles and guidance pieces written in-house by our solicitors and keep up to date with what's happening at Neves.

A great day was had by all at the inaugural Willen Hospice Sports Day last Friday 🏃. We were really pleased to come 3rd overall! Better still we topped the fundraising chart for the day and won the award for best dressed team. Thank you to everyone who supported us and & helped us to raise over £318 for the charity.

We're taking part as Team Bees Neves in the Willen Hospice Sports Day tomorrow, Friday 13th September.

Out team will be re-living a traditional school sports day by competing in sack races, being tied together in three legged races as well as putting our muscles to the test in a tug of war!

Prime Minister Boris Johnson and his partner, Carrie Symonds have become the first unmarried couple to reside at Number 10.  And according to the Office of National Statistics, the number of us cohabiting has increased by 25.8% over the last decade. Cohabiting couples are officially the fastest growing family type and whilst it’s the preferred option for many, there are some legal issues cohabiting couples should consider when thinking about ownership of property.

We held a Bake Sale at the Milton Keynes office on 4th September in aid of Willen Hospice. The other tenants and their staff at Aurora House supported us brilliantly by digging deep into their pockets.

Big congratulations go to two of our Conveyancing Executives, Haneef Khan and Lauren Ellis, who have passed their Chartered Institute of Legal Executives (CILEx) Law School exams.

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