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Legal Resources and News

Read jargon-free articles and guidance pieces written in-house by our solicitors and keep up to date with what's happening at Neves.

We’re excited to introduce a fresh new look having undergone a brand update. Whilst our previous branding has served us well for many years, we felt it no longer reflected the modern, forward thinking and innovative law firm that we have become.

On Saturday 11th May 14 members of the Neves team took part in a Pink Ribbon Walk at Blenheim to raise funds for Breast Cancer Now.

We're delighted to announce that we have been chosen as a finalist in the EMPLOYER OF THE YEAR  category at the SME Business Awards Milton Keynes and Buckinghamshire 2024.

Commercial property leases are complex and intricate legal documents that regulate the relationship between landlords and tenants. Among the myriad of clauses within a lease, the “yielding up" provisions are one of the most critical and, if not properly drafted, can result in significant expense for the landlord or tenant when the lease ends.

"My ex is refusing to mediate but I do not want to spend money on legal fees, what can I do?"

As family solicitors, this is something we hear frustratingly often. Believe it or not, we would prefer your disputes to be sorted outside of a court process which is lengthy and costly for you both. But what can you do when the other person simply will not engage?

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