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Read jargon-free articles and guidance pieces written in-house by our solicitors and keep up to date with what's happening at Neves.

In a series of blogs about the process of getting a financial remedy through the courts in the context of divorce or dissolution, we take a look at each stage in turn.

The second in this series is FDA (First Directions Appointment)

This series of blogs is about the process of getting a financial remedy through the courts in the context of divorce or dissolution, and we will take a look at each stage in turn. 

The first in the series is Disclosure

There are many reasons why a parent may wish to change their child’s surname. For instance:-

  • A parent may wish to do so in order that the child shares their name if their name has changed as a result of a divorce.

We often come across estates with beneficiaries who are proving difficult to trace for a number of reasons. These reasons include family estrangement, death of the beneficiary, and poor drafting of a Will, often by a non-professional person.

It was interested to read the latest marriage rates statistics from the Office for Nationals Statistics. The greatest percentage increase in rates of marriage occurred amongst men and women aged 65 and over.

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