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Legal Resources and News

Read jargon-free articles and guidance pieces written in-house by our solicitors and keep up to date with what's happening at Neves.

What is a MIAM? 

A Mediation Information and Assessment Meeting (MIAM) is conducted by an authorised family mediator for the purpose of providing parties with information about mediation and other disputes resolution mechanisms available. The mediator will assess the suitability of mediation for the parties, having particular regard to any domestic violence or risk of harm for children subject to the family application.

Excluding People from Your Will and a very brief look at Lady Lucan’s Affairs

Although sizeable to many people, Lady Lucan’s estate was worth in the region of £575,000 when she died last year, which was admittedly less than some were expecting.

There has been a topic that has been much discussed in recent months and one that will impact many businesses, both large and small very soon. That is The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). 

Why protecting your business interests with a Shareholder Agreement is a 'must‘

“I never dreamed I’d need a shareholders’ agreement.  I thought Nick was invincible.  Now it looks like I might lose everything I’ve worked for!”  This was Jonathan, a couple of months following his friend and business partner’s shocking death.

There are two types of surrogacy’s including partial and traditional surrogacy.

Partial surrogacy involves the surrogate mother’s egg. The commissioning father will donate his sperm in a partial surrogacy and therefore be genetically related to the child too. The commissioning parents are the couple who enter into the arrangement with the surrogate.

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