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Legal Resources and News

Read jargon-free articles and guidance pieces written in-house by our solicitors and keep up to date with what's happening at Neves.

Stalking was made a specific criminal offence in England and Wales in 2012. However, from 20th January 2020, police will be able to apply to magistrates for a “Stalking Protection Order (SPO)” and courts will also have the power to impose an interim Stalking Protection Order to provide immediate protection for a victim while a decision is being made.

When starting a small business there is much to focus on, and with budget and time constraints, sometimes getting robust legal arrangements in place can get overlooked.  It may have been just you, testing the waters, and so didn’t need an office, consider brand protection or felt that a quick set of standard terms and conditions sufficed. 

By Melissa Doherty, Trainee Solicitor in the Family Law Department

On the 27th November, Beth Woodward, specialist Family Lawyer, and I attended the MKACT domestic abuse course in Milton Keynes. It was a very insightful and eye-opening experience that we both were very pleased to have attended.

Katy Williams has recently joined Neves Solicitors as Senior Associate in Commercial Property. 

Katy has specialised as a Commercial Property Solicitor since qualifying in 2004.

“I used to hope I was a great feminist role model because I work full-time often away from home.  I was the breadwinner, the high earner, the successful one………my husband’s work was no less important or interesting, but as a university lecturer, his was far less frenetic.  He was at home more and usually did all the cooking for the children.  He insisted on doing it anyway, at all times. 

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