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Legal Resources and News

Read jargon-free articles and guidance pieces written in-house by our solicitors and keep up to date with what's happening at Neves.

We are delighted to have been ranked in the Legal 500 United Kingdom this year for our Commercial and Company Law!

Within the listing Neves is praised for its 'great understanding of clients' business, concerns and objectives - advice received is always appropriate and includes in-depth description of the key legal matters at hand'.

When parties divorce and the Courts become involved in resolving financial disputes, they can order that one party to the marriage pays the other spousal maintenance for a period of time, via a Periodical Payments Order (PPO). 

A Supreme Court decision in the case of Mr Y, ruled last month that in certain circumstances it will no longer be necessary for the family of a patient with a “prolonged disorder of consciousness” to apply to the Court of Protection to withdraw life support.

For most people, whether they are sellers or buyers, a sea-change in the status and ownership of their business may be the most important transaction in their working lives - with implications for income, lifestyle, pension pot, retirement and inheritance.

Prenuptial agreements may have been tarnished by association with lurid cases involving the rich, glamorous and non-too-admirable but the UK divorce rate, the increasingly complex families created by second or subsequent marriages and the rising asset base of UK home owners means they are becoming more and more sought after.

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