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Legal Resources and News

Read jargon-free articles and guidance pieces written in-house by our solicitors and keep up to date with what's happening at Neves.

We are delighted to be sponsoring the inaugural Milton Keynes Education Awards 2023.

Divorce and Separation can impact children in a number of ways and often a big concern for parents with children at a fee paying school is how those fees can and will be continued to be paid.

We are delighted to sponsoring the SME Business Awards for MK and Buckinghamshire 2023.

We’ve spoken with a lot of people who have been appointed as an executor in a Will and have decided to deal with Probate and the estate themselves. Whilst there is nothing to stop people from doing this, we come across so many misconceptions about the process and costs involved, it can be quite alarming!

The rise of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies such as Ethereum, Binance and Elon Musk’s favourite Dogecoin have become increasingly popular and they can add a layer of complexity to the division of assets in divorce settlements.

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