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Whether to divorce or separate is a huge decision. It is not something anyone rushes into or part of anyone’s life plan. In order to help you work out what you want, and the next steps, Neves’ Family Law Solicitors offer a fixed fee meeting. This gives you an hour with a specialist family lawyer. During this meeting, we start by asking you to explain the background, your priorities and concerns. We understand that everyone has their own set of circumstances and their own worries. You can use this meeting to get answers and hopefully set your mind at rest. 

You may feel daunted by the prospect of your first meeting with your Family Solicitor. It may be something you have been putting off for some time and it's natural to feel anxious. 

You can be assured that our advice is always personal, practical and tailored for you. We will clarify your issues, explore your options and find the approach that's right for you.

Neves Solicitors is delighted to announce that Emily Pope qualified as a Family Law solicitor on 3rd December 2020. Emily joined Neves Solicitors in September 2018 as a trainee solicitor. As part of her training she has had seats in the Conveyancing, Dispute Resolution and Family Law departments. 

Resolving the split of the matrimonial finances or the arrangements for the children are two of the more challenging aspects of a divorce or separation. For most individuals, the thought of attending court and the costs associated with contested hearings is extremely daunting; particularly at such a difficult and emotional time in their lives. The majority of the individuals that we meet with have a pre-conceived assumption that unless they have already reached an agreement regarding the split of the assets or the arrangements for the children, then an application to court is inevitable.

Family arbitration is a method of resolving a dispute and an alternative to going to court where mediation and /or negotiations between parties, with or without their solicitors, have failed to result in an agreement. A separating couple can use this service perhaps where they have a dispute over finances or over the arrangements regarding the children, following the breakdown of their relationship.

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