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Property and Financial Matters

The law in relation to married and unmarried couples is quite different.  For married couples matrimonial settlements are governed by the law as set out in the Matrimonial Causes Act.  For unmarried couples there is no comprehensive law governing their financial settlement.  Please see the relevant pages below.

  • For Unmarried Couples

    The law governing property is found scattered throughout legislation and also case law, which means that individual case outcomes can lead to considerable revisions of the legal position for an unmarried couple owning a property together.

  • For Married Couples

    The law for married couples owning a property together is governed by sections 21a to 28 and others of the Matrimonial Causes Act. The court will also be guided by case law and decisions made in cases over the years will direct the court as to how to interpret the law.

Beth Woodward
Partner and Head of Divorce and Family Law
Tina Shah
Senior Associate - Divorce and Family Law
Emily Pope
Associate - Divorce and Family Law
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